Monday, April 13, 2015

Krauthammers Analysis

An essay I wrote on cloning.

Krauthammers Analysis              
By LeAnn Jones (Modesty)

     [1] In his article entitled, Of headless Mice and Men, Charles Krauthammer informs us that not only sheep named Dolly can be cloned, but humans as well.  Researchers, after years of experimenting and creating headless animals, now have their brains exploring the possibilities of cloning headless humans. All it takes is one simple, tiny cell from a part of your body. However, scientists foresee a few problems; how the organs will grow, and convincing the fertile female population that headless babies are ok to have.
    [2] Is this ethically moral? Scientists and some scholars seem to think it is a lifesaving matter, but Krauthammer believes that cloning humans to have their organs as extra material and then disposing of them when they are all used up, is just plain wretched.  When all is said and done, the exact replica only mirrors the exterior of the cloned human.  Heir thinking, their way of life, and their personality will be different.  A cloned human is just the toolbox that stores your parts and fixes things when they break down.

    [3] Krauthammer says we need to end this because even though President Clinton temporarily banned cloning of humans, scientists look at it as a key to life.  Even though Clinton placed a 5 year ban on cloning, Krauthammer believes this is not enough, and if we don't act sooner and put our foot down, well just as well be wallowing in our own self pity.

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